We use Price Curiosity to safely fill your Sales team’s inbox with high-quality leads.

Have you ever been frustrated trying to get ballpark pricing for a product or service? Did you fill out the Request-a-Quote form? Probably not. You were interested but not ready to talk to Sales. They lost you and didn’t even know it.

Are your potential customers feeling the same way and leaving your website to go search for pricing? Statistics say yes.

We fix this price abandonment problem by adding a safe, Self-Service Pricing option to your website. Don’t worry, you won’t be giving pricing away; your sales team will always be in control. But you will capture high-quality leads before the competition giving your sales team the inside track to win the business.

How many high-quality leads would you generate
if you had a Pricing page like this?

Pricing Page Example

To save you time, we offer Self-Service pricing.

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This approach typically captures 3-5 times more high-quality leads than a typical Request-a-Quote form.

The SafePrice™ Process

B2B Marketers know that When a visitor clicks on the “GET PRICING VIA EMAIL” button, the EchoQuote process is triggered. Four distinct steps take place to move the prospect from being an anonymous visitor to a sales qualified lead.

  1. Serious prospects want pricing before talking with sales
  2. Sales wants control of who gets pricing
  3. Marketing wants transparency in pricing to drive conversions