How EchoQuote Works.
We Use Price Curiosity to Fill your Sales Team’s Inbox with High-Quality Prospects.
Have you ever been frustrated trying to get ballpark pricing for a product or service? Did you fill out the Request-a-Quote form? Nope. You were interested but not ready to talk to Sales. They lost you and didn’t even know it.
Are you losing customers because they are leaving your website to go search for pricing?
Here’s how to capture the leads you’ve been missing.
Step 1 – We set up your EchoQuote catalog in about a day.
Step 2 – Add an EchoQuote™ button like this to your website.
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Setup Done!
The EchoQuote™ Process
When a visitor clicks on the “GET PRICING VIA EMAIL” button, the EchoQuote™ process is triggered. Three distinct steps take place to safely move the prospect to a sales qualified lead.
- The prospect uses EchoQuote to select the items they want pricing for
- EchoQuote notifies Sales of the request and waits for approval (safe)
- If approved by Sales, pricing is sent and a new sales conversation begins